A DFW midwife I know emailed me this short video of one of her clients birthing in the front seat of her Ford Focus. Dad is driving (on the way to the birth center) and catches the end of the birth on video. Mom catches her baby, unwraps the cord and brings baby to her chest. In the moment, you just do what you have to do. I cried and laughed at the same time as I watched. Amazing.
that is crazy and awesome all at the same time!
This. This is the best comment.. So crazy and so awesome at the same time!
Coulda had a homebirth.. just sayin’.. 😉
This is exactly what happened to us. Just didn’t get in on video. And with all the rest afterwards, we did stay home! 🙂
Congrats to this mom! So awesome!
WONDERFUL video <3 i was so happy to have been privelaged to share in such a special moment via video and the internet. Thankyou to the mumma, dadda and wee babe for sharing their special moment with us 😀 how wonderful. She did great!!
That is awesome… 🙂
Looks like a good sized baby too? Do we know the weight?
One of the responses on the youtube video says 8lbs 4oz.
Oh my god, this is absolutely amazing! I don’t know how calm I would be able to stay in such a spontaneous situation haha. She did such a good job.
This woman is my hero!
This is incredible! I hope that they post a birth story later, I would love to heard the whole story. 🙂
Gotta love the dad’s surprised voice in the background!
That is literally THE coolest birth video I have EVER seen! Amazin momma!
Now that’s a modern birth! I had my second in a shopping mall food court. I think there’s a good case for just staying home eh?
Julie, can you please share your birth story!!!! I need to know more!
OMG this is amazing!!! Congrats to the new mommy and daddy!! I was so amazed and over joyed by this video I had to show my husband!
Svea Boyda-Vikander
Love love love this video. Thanks for sharing!
Andrea G.
Wow! WAY TO GO mama! Caught the baby, unwrapped the cord, and just held the little one so calmly. I’m amazed!
Well, that”s one birth we know was intervention-free!
Seriously, this is amazing. I can’t get over how calm the Mama is as she pulls the baby up out of her pants and calls 911!
I also can’t believe the Daddy caught in on film and didn’t crash the car :).
I *think* she was talking to her midwife to determine if they should still plan on showing up at the birth center, which is where they were headed.
While really cool video, I’m absolutely mortified that the dad was videoing while driving down the highway. Congratulations on the birth, and I’m glad everyone was ok (because of the driving and videoing, not because I feel unassisted birth is dangerous).
Agree agree agree. Glad it was caught on tape but I really wish it would’ve been caught by someone else so poor Dad could focus on driving and freaking out (which is enough stuff to deal with without trying to catch it on film too, poor guy).
Seriously love how chill Mom was, though. Just gotta make a quick phone call, y’know.
And up until the baby realized it was cold in there, even he/she was like, “Oh, cool, hey Mom. What up? Totally getting my first car ride without a carseat. Look at me, breakin’ the law from day one.”
Awesome birth, glad they shared it. But please, if you’re the driver, don’t film and drive! <3
@kas…. Totally agree…. This baby is gonna be bad to the bone right from the start. Congrats to them…
Great job, mama!
Ha ha ha – how wonderful!!! I love that Dad remembered to turn the hazard lights on too during the whole thing. WTG mom – thanks for sharing!!
You can tell this woman was working with a midwife. She wasn’t paniced or scared. She didn’t call 911, she called her midwife and very calmly announced she’d given birth. What if women everywhere understood that birth is normal? That you should seek experienced help but not treat a breathing, pink baby as an emergency.
My only question is: video taping while driving? And they thought texting was dangerous! LOL, I really don’t care about all that, I just thought it was funny that the dad kept driving and was taking video at the same time. You’d think he would have pulled over once the baby crowned or birth was inevitable in order to assist or at least not be in a moving vehicle while she was actually birthing. So funny to me how some people react in “emergency” situtations. All in all, they did great!!!
Wow! I can just feel the sense of amazement and adrenaline in the dad’s voice! Good job mom for staying so calm!
just beautiful!! And well done to the Dad for capturing it, I’m guessing he was just holding the video camera/phone in the direction of the Mum, and concentrating on driving!!
hahahaha, This totally made my morning! Go mama!
LOVE THIS! Love the dad’s responses….way to go Mama…so calm and cool.
Vickie Black
She stayed calm and held her sweet baby while on her way to the hospital. Next time maybe she will go to a birthing center or stay home with a midwife. It is safe, calm and you can choose who to have around you. Loving video of a miracle!
she was on her way to a birth centre and on the phone to her midwife 😉
Anna Rundall
I came back to watch this again… and cried again. so moving.
Ceci Davalos
She just made me get over my fear of trying to be able to drive in a hurry to the nearest hospital which is 30 mins away. She is my hero! On another note don’t think I’d wouldn’t want my husband trying to drive and record at the same time. He freaks me out already with his road range O_o
i laughed and cried at the same time too. wow. that’s so amazing that the dad actually filmed some of it. i’m just speechless.
cecilia sandoval
still crying! what amazing parents!
Sharon K.
very nice. I am laughing b/c the dad was the most excited and vocal. Cute little baby 🙂
according to my friend (her midwife) the baby was born in one push, they never sped, and the arrived safely at the birth center not long after with a very healthy baby
what an awesome birth! strong calm mama!
I loved this video -it also made me laugh and cry at the same time. Wonderful!
You are an AMAZING WOMAN! You stayed super calm and took control. I couldnt imagne myself doing that. I have 3 kids of my own. Cograts to you and your amazing family! Thanks for sharing your video:)
I’m so overwhelmed- what a beautiful thing, birth is. Thank you mama and papa for sharing- I feel like we were there!
Naomi Thomas
LOVE THIS!! Thank you for sharing, January ♥
I’ll bet dad’s legs were shaking, love his comments in the background!
Jennifer Tyree
I’m not sure if it was this one, but recently there was one here in Phoenix. She feared having the baby on the side of the freeway, and sure enough, she did.
Sara Dunn
Rock on Super MAMA!!! This is amazing. Love it.
Oh WOW!! I love the daddy saying “oh my gosh…oh my gosh…OOOHHH my gosh” over and over. This mama was so calm!!
OMG. I cried, I laughed, this is amazing. Love the dad panicking a little bit in the driver’s seat while the mom is completely calm. lol
This woman is my hero. 🙂
Claire in CA, USA
I don’t know what’s better: That daddy’s reaction, how calm mama is, or that hearty cry from the baby. I am sitting here crying my face off; natural childbirth is so beautiful, even in the front seat of a Ford Focus. Congratulations to you!
Brittany Lamy
WOW she stayed calm cool and collective! What a tuff momma i would have been spazzing out.
I love when she says to herself, “I feel so much better…” So calm! <3
LOVE daddy’s reaction and comments lol. She is SO calm and collected, I would have been FREAKING out haha. This totally made my day! 🙂
Susan Peterson
Thanks for reposting this. Loved it the first time, love it this time.
beautiful strong momma! scares me that dad did not pull over right away, unless there was an imediate health risk that would require to continue driving. that baby is in momma’s arms in a moving car. very dangerous… if she was pushing they should have just pulled over and called for help
stupid computer … i was trying to fix my comment i didn’t have the speakers turned up… glad he was pulling over …
Katherine, I did this last year (March 2013) in our car while my husband drove. There was no time to pull over- sometimes there just isn’t and you have to do what you have to do. My water broke and she came on the next push. We were on a bridge and there was nowhere to pull over anyway. Was it ideal? No, but we didn’t have many choices. Once she was out, we did call the hospital and they even said to keep driving. It would have taken paramedics longer to get there (we only had 10 minutes or so to go) and we didn’t have that kind of time since our daughter was already out and needed to get to the hospital. In these situations we rely on our instincts, and more often than not, birth is safe and our instincts guide us.
Kelly Berger
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh” haha I’d say Dad held it together pretty good!!! This is awesome…