• Ari’s Journey Earthside {A Story of Down Syndrome}

    Ever since I can remember, I have known that I wanted a natural birth.  My mom had me naturally and presented a positive outlook on birthing and our ability to birth un-medicated, as women have done since the dawn of time. Through the years, my image of birth began to look, more specifically, outside of the typical hospital setting. With…

  • Gentle Beginnings {Boone’s Birth Story}

    Hi there!  I wanted to share my amazing Birth Center Water Birth with ya’ll.  Your website was an amazing inspiration when I was preparing for my natural birth.  I felt empowered reading all of the stories!  I’m hoping my story will do the same for other women preparing for a natural birth.  Thank you for all that you do! -Brooke…

  • The Birth Center Birth of Avett

    I had been having painful contractions since Monday afternoon, and that night we had a false alarm- although they were very close together, I had only dilated to 1cm so they sent me back home. Contractions continued though Tuesday, accompanied by extremely painful cramping. My water broke in the bathtub while Brandon (my husband) was downstairs, I called out for…

  • Calm and Beautiful Birth Center Birth

    Our Journey Begins From almost the moment I saw the two lines on the test telling me I was positively pregnant I knew I would make the very best of the coming months and my baby’s birth.  In fact, the birth story of Heidi may as well begin her older brother’s ended.  Gavin’s birth (minus the epidural and plus one doula), was rather standard for today’s…

  • A Beautiful and Positive Birth Story

    Friday September 17, 2010 I wake up feeling a strong contraction and peel open my eyes to see what time it is; it’s 5:30, right on time. Every morning for the past 2 weeks I have woken up with an alarmingly-full bladder that instigates a fierce pattern of “rushes” for the following hours of the day, and today is no…

  • The Baby of a Hero

    “My husband Nick was killed in Afghanistan in September (and I wrote to you). I am pleased to finally be able to tell you that our son, Nicholas Tank, was born yesterday (42 weeks 3 days gestation) at 10:23 am. This was after a speedy 5 hours of labor, the first two of which I wasn’t really sure I was…

  • A Birth Center Birth Story

    I went to bed at about 1 a.m. on Monday, February 21st.  It was an extra day off of school (for President’s Day) and I was taking advantage by catching up on laundry and such.  As soon as I got into bed I could feel the contractions starting.  I had them 1-3 times an hour, lasting anywhere from about 15…

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