We see a picture of a father holding, hugging, kissing or sleeping with his child and we melt. Why? Men are supposed to be ‘tough’ and be the providers, while the mothers are the nurturers. Which is true, but women and men can be either and both, and when we see a picture that shows the bonding and love between a father and his baby, it reminds us that fathers are nurturers too.
“A father carries pictures where his money used to be.” ~Author Unknown
Sent in by Tiffany of her husband and daughter.
“This is my hubby Sean and our 1 month old Colin. Multitasking at its best!” ~Erin W (P.S. Dad would like it to be known, he won that race!)
“Daddy and baby for the first time.” ~Jenny
“I love my sailor.” ~Mitchell
Erin H: “This is my husband with our oldest when she was only a week or so old. She was a 35 weeker and was less than 5 lbs in this picture. The second picture is also her, but at 15 months (she’s 3.5 now). She is SUCH a daddy’s girl. The last picture is my husband with our youngest when she was 11 months old (she is 18 months now).”
“Michael holding 3 week old Lachlan.” ~Jolene
“Sometimes I think military families don’t think their birth is their own. We were able to have a beautiful natural birth center birth using Tricare – and this “tough guy” daddy was able to catch and bring his son into this world!” ~Anne
Daddy Chris with Baby Avery.
Baby and Dad on day one in the hospital. Sent in by Mary.
Augusta’s husband and son.
Julia: “Myra at 9 days old with her Daddy.”
Renee: “The first is our baby girl, a couple weeks old, and she just fit in her Papa’s pocket! The second is just an hour or two after she was born at home. He’s an amazing Papa, and he was an AMAZING support in labor.”
“This is my son Zaeden and his daddy Amine.” ~Taylor
“I didn’t get to be there for this moment as I was still in surgery, but I am SO glad my mom snapped this picture of Adam and Daddy enjoying some bonding time!” ~Shawna
Lizzie’s husband was all about support and love…

“Hadley and her daddy.” ~Jessica
“Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later… that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life.” ~Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities
I love the one with baby in her daddys cargo pants! But I think the last one is my favorite! These are beautiful thanks for the post!
I love the quote at the end, wow such amazing daddies out there!
Okay, so now the my hormonal self is sitting her crying, I just have to say that i LOVE the pocket baby, and the very last picture. We have 3 girls, and all of them are big time daddy’s girls. This touches a cord in my soul.
Amazing pictures! I have a lot of daddy pictures but my favorite of my two men would be the first time daddy got to hold his little man. The look on my husbands face is the most beautiful look he has ever given. Even though my little guy is a momma’s boy he sure does like to hang out with dad. My favorite picture in this post is the last one but the one with the dad laying on what looks like it could maybe be a hospital bed with the baby laying on it’s belly in his arms is a cute one too!!! LOVE your posts and all that you do!
My favorite is Zhandras picture of her fiance with her daughter. I started dating my boyfriend when I was 4 months pregnant and going through an EXTREMELY rough time with my sons father. Mike (the boyfriend) ended up being there for all 18 hours of my labor and cobvinced the nursing staff to let him in the nursery when I ended up having to have an emergency csection. My son Daniel is now 9 months old, and things are a lot better with his biological father, Zack. Its turned into a wonderful family because all of us get along, and Daniel was blessed with both a Papa (Mike) and a Dad (Zack).
Beautiful 😀
Joe Valley
I read some reaearch that said dads testosterone goes down when we are at the birth of our babies. We get all soft. It’s great.