Sam sent me this little story and picture of this brilliant card. THIS. IS. AWESOME.!!!!
“I thought of you when my cousin told me this. My cousin was breastfeeding her daughter next to her friend who was also breastfeeding her daughter and a mommy came up to them and slipped them two little hand made note cards that said, “Thank you for breastfeeding in public! You make it easier for other nursing mommies to do the same.”
I love a good story about women encouraging women, too often we are tearing each other down.”
I never see women nursing in public here, but I might just have to have some of these made for when I do (or for when I travel)!
Aww 🙂 What a sweet idea! Upon “graduation” from my breastfeeding class at the hospital, we got “licenses” to breastfeed, we sign our name on the back of the card it states the entire law, and that civil action can be taken against being subjected to “harassment” and the court may award damages of up to $500 in fines. On the front it has the information on how and where to make a complaint if we are asked/forced to leave. I thought it was a really great idea, since you can carry it in your wallet everywhere you go!
I love this! I always nurse in public. The way I see it, if you’re offended by me feeding my child, A. you’ve got serious issues. and B. Simply, dont look.
Melissa V.
What a lovely, encouraging thing to do! I love it! It’s nice to see women supporting and encouraging each other.
Ts is great! I always WANT to say thanks to mommies I see NIP but I always chicken out. This might get me there…
I had nursing photos taken last week by Mae Burke and afterwards she gave me these beautiful cards to share that said basically ‘Thank you for nursing your baby in public!’ They’re gorgeous and such a sweet & supportive idea. http://maeburkephotography.com/
Breastfeeding Philadelphia
Love hearing stories where women and encouraging and inspiring other women
I always feed my baby in public and have no problem doing so. I just wish some men would grow up. On a number of occaisions I’ve had men staring at me like I’m completely naked or something. It makes me feel preyed upon.
I just received one of these cards at a park in San Jose, CA. Just moved here from Seattle last week, so it felt especially welcoming and awesome! I will surely pay this forward!