I had the opportunity to try out a Beco Baby Carrier for the first time at the Austin MommyCon on May 19th. I had worn baby carriers in the past and always enjoyed them quite a bit. I had never worn a Beco brand before though and I was excited to try it out because, let’s face it, #5 is a handful and I didn’t feel like alternating between carrying the big lug and chasing him around all day. When you have five kids and #5 is a toddler, and that toddler’s nickname is “The Bull,” you tend to want to immobilize the beast for convenience’s sake.
When we arrived at MommyCon, my first goal was to make a beeline for the Beco booth and try it out. I was given a Soleil to try out and use. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to get it on, but once I did, it was an easy process to repeat. I found it to be a very comfortable fit and very easy to maneuver with a baby in tow.
The big problem I had at MommyCon had nothing to do with the carrier itself, but with The Bull’s ire at being strapped to my back and immobilized. This guy likes to run around, climb, sneak my iPhone to watch Gangnam Style videos on Youtube, and generally cause more mischief than we can keep up with, so being stuck in the carrier really chapped his hide like you wouldn’t believe. But despite his desperate shrieks, I mean pleas, for help, and despite the pain his shrieks inflicted on my eardrums and the eardrums of others at MommyCon, the pain of letting him out of the carrier and chasing him around would have been worse. Sometimes life is about the trade-offs and what we’re willing to sacrifice. In my case at MommyCon, it was my hearing. So thank goodness for that Beco on my back!
Now, as a chiropractor, I would be remiss to not give my opinion on how the Beco Baby Carrier works from an ergonomic standpoint. Having taught classes on backpack safety, the one big rule of thumb you always want to keep in mind is that you want the weight distributed lower so that the bulk of it is across the low back/pelvis area. Also, make sure the weight is manageable and not overly heavy so that you’re forced to lean forward or backward as you walk. That is a big no-no and something that will ensure a sore low back.
Keeping these in mind, the Soleil model was very snug, very secure, and very comfortable, even with the big lug shrieking and thrashing and trying to throw himself out of it. There wasn’t a whole lot of adjusting I needed to do to customize its fit, just tighten a few straps and that’s it. I enjoyed wearing him in it quite a bit and would recommend a Beco to anyone in the market for a baby carrier.
You can visit their website here.
Liz F
I just bought a Soleil last week and LOVE IT, it’s way better than my Ergo Sport. I don’t feel like my (tall–95% weight/height) 12 month old is going to fall out of it, it keeps him snug against my back, and I can wear it for hours without getting overly sore (something that wasn’t always a given with my Ergo.) I even worked my job at a bakery with him snoozing on my back!
I have a Beco Gemini, no complaints with that one, maybe a little warm in summer, but otherwise it has “saved” my life countless times 🙂 Very happy with it, and it can be used from birth and in 4 different positions (facing in, facing out, on the back, on the hip). Can’t go wrong with that.
How thick are the shoulder straps on the Soleil?