• Penny smithwood

    why do you need to prove it??we know it is possible!!!!!! And I am sure most people who read your blog know it! I wish main stream audience would know that too…….

  • S.R.

    One of DH’s best buds is a twin. A twin that was born vaginally. A twin that “flipped” as his older sister was born, arriving feet first. When I found that out I was floored. Nowadays I’m not sure that would’ve happened in a hospital as it did for his mother 30 years ago.

  • Tab

    That is incredibly inspiring! Thanks for posting it. Even when you know stuff like this to be true, its good to be reassured with evidence after being bombarded with negativism by hospitals and OBs. Keep spreading the good stuff!

  • Darcy

    I am here to testify to this! When I had my twins, I ended up with a doctor who I had never met before (my doctor had literally just left the hospital after being there for 3 days delivering babies). This new doctor was pushing a c-section because baby B was transverse. We fought with him all day about it. Finally around 6 pm (I got there just after 7 am), he read my birth plan and agreed to try a vaginal birth and turning baby B if we would sign a document saying we wouldn’t sue and if we would deliver in the operating room. I think it was a God thing that caused my labor to slow because within 20 minutes of signing that paper, my labor picked up and I was whisked to the operating room. After baby A was born, he tried for about 1 minute to turn baby B and then said to call for the anesthesiologist. I immediately began praying and 18 minutes later, not only was the baby turned, but she was born–BEFORE the anesthesiologist arrived!

    We had two interns ask to observe the birth because they had never seen a vaginal birth of twins before. Normally I don’t like other people in the room when I give birth, but I figured they needed to know it was possible if they were going to help other women realize that it was possible.

  • Shannon Mullaney

    I gave birth to twin girls naturally in 1999. 34 weekers, 4 lbs 3 oz and 4 lbs 9 oz. My body told me what to do. I wish people trusted themselves more!

  • Joy Shearer

    I gave birth naturally to 39 week b/g twins in 2005. The nurse who attended me had never seen an un-medicated birth, let alone an un-medicated natural twin birth because those were always automatic c-sections in her training. She was pleasantly surprised, and I think it taught her a lesson that you don’t have to always do it the way the “experts” say to, unless it is the mother you are referring to as the expert in knowing her own body! Then she received another lesson on breastfeeding twins 🙂 I had a birth plan from the start, and thankfully my doctor was on board all the way, not even letting the nurse put an IV into me that was “standard procedure” for every delivery at that hospital.

    • Chelsea

      Good for you lady!!! Love your story! I also had my twins naturally and am still happy about that to this day, 4 1/2 years later!

  • Kerri

    In 2000 I had my twins at 38 weeks & 2 days. A was head down & was almost 6 lbs. Twin B was born double-footling breech & looking up! She was almost 8lbs (more then 2 of my singletons born at 41 weeks!). All natural vaginal birth, went home the same day & went to the care of the mid-wives as soon as I signed myself out of the hospital.

  • Susan

    I love the second video! Very inspirational!
    I had a vaginal twin birth at 33 weeksin the hospital. Baby A was head down and face up and Baby B was breech. As soon as I pushed A out, B flipped and was then head down also. She was born 18 minutes later.

    My first OB mentioned a ceserean the day we found out we were having twins at 10 weeks, so I switched.

    I do feel very lucky that I have an understanding and supportive OB. I have realized over the years that they are far and few in between.

  • Mel

    My Dad is a twin and my grandmother told me that the suspicion that she might be having twins only came up at 36 weeks. She was sent to the hospital to have an x-ray done, but went into labour the next day before the doctor had the results from the x-ray and gave birth vaginally. The day after she had my Dad (twin A) and his brother, the radiology department called her doctor to say that she was having twins. He responded with “Yes, I know – she had them yesterday”. Even though I haven’t had a twin birth myself, I find my grandmother to be such an inspiration. She didn’t know that she was having twins and it was her first pregnancy, but she didn’t let it phase her. She also breastfed them in an era when FF was the norm until they were 9 months old when they self-weaned because she was pregnant again. I’m done having babies, but if I had’ve had a twin birth, she would be the person I’d turn to for advice. Actually, I turn to her for advice a fair bit anyway. 🙂

  • PeterM

    Its refreshing to see this, and the videos were great 😀 I love how we have access to hospitals and all of the medical technology required to get pretty much anyone through the process when necessary, but I strongly feel that the line drawn between necessary and unnecessary is definitely in the wrong place. More and more people are realizing that its just not good to listen to the first piece of advice given by the majority of doctors / midwives which is: get into hospital, get dosed up and get it done during working hours Monday thru Friday. No, that system is just not good enough.

    @Kerri – excellent work!

  • Chelsea

    I had my twin boys at home and it was such an amazing experience. Totally possible and totally amazing! I would have had a different story if I would have given birth in a hospital. I had 3 midwifes and a doula and my wonderfully supportive husband with me. Baby B was transverse but turned himself without any assistance. He was then posterior and it was tricky to get him out, but alas…2 hours later he joined his brother and all of us in this world! We went to bed and I felt totally normal and happy and began nursing my healthy 5 1/2 lb boys! Awesome experience!

  • Jill

    Thanks for your website, it is so awesome! There was nothing like this when I was pregnant with my twins back in 1997. At 37 1/2 weeks we had our girls at home with our CNM. They were 7 lbs. 10 oz, and 7 lbs. 5 oz. Thanks for sharing the good news that twins can be born naturally! : )

  • Belinda

    How on EARTH can someone not know they are having twins? Didn’t she have an ultrasound during her entire pregnancy? I find it very hard to believe that video. I know women can and do deliver twins naturally, that is not the part I am questioning at all, it’s the claim that she didn’t know she was having two babies rather than one.

      • Caitlin

        I know this post is a bit old, but just wanted to throw in that I don’t plan to have a single u/s for any of my future pregnancies unless I think there is something seriously wrong.
        As long as all is going well and everyone is healthy, it’s my opinion that a u/s would just be a waste of time and money that I could spend better somewhere else ^_^

  • Zhandra

    Its actually pretty common for natural/hippy mammas to refuse ultrasounds. I know many who have done that. Personally I want to know the gender, but there are lots who have a zero-interference attitude toward pregnancy and refuse just about any test or screening offered.

  • Sara

    I’m holding my twin “a” as she sleeps. My girls were born naturally and were a VBAC! They were almost 40 weeks. I had an amesome OB and midwife who were so amazing and supportive. They are 9 months now and also have never needed a drop of formula.

  • sharon wentzel

    I just love how real all of this is. As a mother of 3 children I would have loved to have a home birth. What really made my heart jump for joy was the presence of the cat in the first video. Aw man, that is so relaxed, so lovely to bring baby into that relaxed atmosphere.

  • Jamie Lynn

    I had my identical twin girls unassisted at home at 36 weeks, 3 days with a short labor and no complications. Both were vertex. 4 lbs, 2 oz. and 5 lbs, 6 oz. A very lovely birth experience.

    My mom had her identical twins (boys) at the hospital (a very managed labor and birth) at 35 weeks. Both twins were born vaginally; they flipped breech baby B by external version.

  • Natalie Anna Egan-Kane

    DS was a waterbirth at my sister’s house (we lived with her throughtout the entire pregnancy) and was an absolutely amazing experience. Not very painful, really quick labor and my son had no problems latching. I really loved the idea of giving birth in water as I’m like a fish myself and feel most comfortable and at ease when I’m in some sort of pool/body of water.

    With my next two babies, we tried to have the same peaceful childbirth although I was concerned he/she would be too big to fit out because I was hugely pregnant >_<. Labor was absolute HELL and I was in so much pain. I remember my midwife telling me I didn't need the hospital or pain meds even though I felt like I was dying and begged for anything. Everyone said second babies are easy, but this labor was horrible and excruciating. Labor lasted 17 freaking hours, with 4 hours of pushing (my poor, poor cervix hah) and finally my eldest daughter was born. Surprise surprise, eldest daughter had an identical twin. Much easier to deliver her sister even though she was the same size she pretty much slipped out. Unfortunately issues with the placenta caused hemorrhaging and I was whisked off to the hospital. I needed a blood transfusion, I lost that much blood and it was probably one of the most frightening experiences of my life. My poor husband was frantic as well, not knowing whether to be with our girls or by m side. I don't regret it, though, as it saved my life and the life of my eldest daughter when she started turning blue and needed medical attention as well.

    Youngest daughter was a hospital birth because I was afraid of a disaster like last time. And really didn't want to experience that pain again =). Doctor looks at my chart, sees my lastname and tells me "You don't need an epidural, you're Irish. Giving birth is nothing for you women." Then I had a nurse who dabbled into midwifery tell me to, "suck up the pain, because this is what happens when you make babies". -_______-. I wanted to punch those two where the sun doesn't shine. And with the intense contractions I had with my 4th little one, I don't regret getting pain meds. Nor will I ever judge others for their birth choices or plans.

    So there you go. I had 3 homebirths, 1 hospital one and all different types of scenarios. Birth CAN be a very pleasant and relaxed experience, but most of the time it isn't so you gotta roll with the punches. If I could, I would've had "amazing and perfect" homebirths with all my children like the commenters above, but it just didn't work out that way. Don't think going natural is the "right way" and you're a better mother for giving birth that way, because hospital births can be quite lovely as well. I guess what I'm saying is birth is a means to an end, your baby and no matter how you got there it only matters that your little one is okay =)

    Cheers <3.

    • Jessica

      “I guess what I’m saying is birth is a means to an end, your baby and no matter how you got there it only matters that your little one is okay =)”

      I think it matters if the mother is okay, too. Especially if the mother is increasing her risks and injuries in an attempt to help her baby. She may be glad for the hospital, then I am glad for her. But if she goes to the hospital and doesn’t like the general experience or the way she was coldly treated, then I feel bad for her and her feelings matter too, even if her baby turned out safe and sound.

      Likewise for the homebirth. If a mother was trampled in her homebirth, even if the baby turned out okay, it’s okay for it to matter to the mother that she had a bad experience and wants a better one the next time around. Wouldn’t you agree?

      It’s not just all about the baby, as much as we love our babies and want them to come home safe and happy.

      • Jessica

        And frankly, how is a birth good for a baby if the mother and baby come away hearts beating strongly but numb and with difficulty bonding because the trauma of the birth environment itself? I think it’s about time that people realize that if the birth goes well for the mom and babe it means that they can go home from the hospital happy, or relax from the home birth happy, get right on with living life, bonding and integrating the experience into their life story without flashbacks, sadness and regret.

        It’s healthy to acknowledge regret about choices gone awry and move on, because it leads us into making better future choices if it’s a part of the learning process.

  • Amber

    I’ve had 3 sets of twins, and a single baby, ALL of them naturally. I hate it when people just assume that we have C-Sections, when they dont know anything about it.

    Anyway, Im 35 weeks gone with triplets now, and hoping for another natural birth. Good luck to all you mom’s and mom-to-be’s!

  • TiffK

    As a first time mom with lots of health issues expecting high risk twins I do have to say sometimes I feel lots of pressure from other women to “suck it up, turn down medical intervention, do it natural” and it makes me feel like I’m somehow not trying hard enough. I have all sorts of respect for those who go through natural childbirth, and equal respect for those who are numbed to the gills and partake of the full menu of intervention. Either way, pregnancy and birth are big deals, sure they come naturally to our bodies, but the way we experience them should only matter to each of us and our little ones. Of course all these stories are beautiful, I just also want the right to feel my delivery will be just as beautiful because when I’m done I’ll have made 2 people, no matter how I go about getting them out into the world. I keep trying to remember I’m just as amazing even if I need/want medical help and I want to look back and have the most positive and least amount of traumatic memories possible. That’s all.

  • Colleen

    I have a friend who had twins vaginally at 39 weeks 4 days (5 days? I can’t remember). Her doctor started pushing for an induction at 36 weeks; she kept refusing. She went in for her 39 week appointment and baby B had somehow flipped to breech (a feat with astounds us to this day). The doctor immediately pulled the “you have to have a cesarean tomorrow or your babies could DIE” card. She walked out of the office in tears. I was out of town at the time, and I recommended the only breech-friendly local doctor I could think of off the top of my head. She called him, he saw her within 3 hours, and declared there was no reason she couldn’t birth vaginally. That was Monday, she went into labor late Wednesday night, and had the babies Thursday morning. They requested she deliver in the OR, and she had an epidural (which she requested, but they also encouraged because baby B was breech). They did an ECV on Baby B after Baby A was born, and he was born vertex, 7 minutes after his sister. I brag about her all the time, for being brave enough to leave her doctor at 39 weeks.

    I think the point of this video is not that you SHOULD have a natural birth/homebirth/whatever, it’s that you CAN. So many people get told that they HAVE to have a cesarean with multiples and they don’t even realize that vaginal is an option. It is my devout wish that every woman at least gets a chance at the birth they want. <3

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