Ibu Robin, or warmly known as Mother Robin, is known around the world for her knowledge, skill and breadth of service. Robin was awarded the
Women of Peace Award in 2005 and the Woman of the Month Award by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality & the Empowerment of Women (UNIFEM) in 2008. A documentary had been made about Robin called the Guerrilla Midwife with regular screenings shown in the U.S.
If you feel moved, please take a moment to vote Ibu Robin Lim who runs the Bumi Sehat, FREE, birthing clinic in Bali Indonesia for 20 years
as well as opened one in Ache, Indonesia after the tsunami in 2004; and asked to open another one in Haiti after the earthquake. She was
CNN’s March hero of the month and is up to be awarded $250,000 to cover expenses for her clinics.
Her foundation also facilitates capability building in Indonesia, mentors student midwives from Bali and from around the world, and has
established a free Youth Center in Ubud which teaches English and computer skills to local teens. You can VOTE as many times as you’d like per day – please pass it on.
Thank you for your help from the expectant Mommies that count on Robin’s clinic to birth their babies safely. Please re-post where you believe it may be supported. You can vote here! ~Valerie Lynn