• Self Love Movement is Not an Excuse…

    (Editor’s note: This was originally posted on March 14, 2014.) People are talking more and more about self love, self acceptance, and body positivity. And it’s awesome. It truly is. The world will be better for it. There are, however, people who are anti-self love. Yes, you read that right. There are people who get upset with people loving themselves.…

  • Reality of Breastfeeding…Where are the Rainbows?

    Let’s talk about breastfeeding for a moment. While it would be wonderful if all babies magically nursed perfectly, well…they don’t. Similar to pregnancy, birth, and motherhood…. breastfeeding is another life lesson that can push us to our limits. It’s a *journey* all of its own. Out of six children, I have nursed four. I’ve also used formula, pumped (a lot),…

  • Ordinary is Amazing, Even in Motherhood

    Motherhood is beautiful, worth it, amazing, the most joy you’ll ever know, and the most important work you’ll ever do. Isn’t that cliche? Yet it’s 100% true. It’s also hard. Really fucking hard. Some days you nail it. Meet all your expectations. Even the hardest ones. Perfect non-GMO all organic meals served in BPA-free bento boxes, activities with enough outside…

  • Positive Support for Pregnant Mamas with Breech Babies

    I have written before how a breech baby is another variation of normal. Having a breech presentation does not mean you automatically need to schedule a c-section. Remember, our babies are wise and know just how they need to be for birth. Most of the time, babies will turn, even late in pregnancy and labor!!!  You can read my other…

  • The Tree of Life aka the Naked Placenta

    I was once banned from posting on the Birth Without Fear Facebook page and personally on Facebook for the placenta picture below. I was also warned that next time, pages and profiles might be deleted. There is nothing stating in any Facebook policies that organs are violating any rules. We all know there are many obscene pictures that do violate policies and are never removed. A…

  • Breast is Normal, Fed is Best

    I’m not censoring myself. When my oldest was a year old, a friend told me that my baby and I couldn’t be as bonded as her and her baby because we bottle fed and she breastfed. I wasn’t offended, I was confused. I had a very deep bond with my baby and was madly in love her, so how could…

  • Raw, Beautiful, Amazing Home Water Birth!

    This post is about birth and I am sharing it for all my friends who have babies or want to have babies and for their husbands who aren’t sure how to support their wife during pregnancy. One day I will become a midwife because I want to help moms and dads bring their babies into the world just like I…

  • A Moment of Clarity – Lucie’s Birth

    I still had three weeks until my estimated due date but I was ready, I was so ready. However, in spite of the fact that I had been waiting and hoping for labor, it took me a really long time to believe I was actually in it when it finally started. And by a “really long time,” I mean 3…

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