• Birth Without Fear Is Wording It Perfectly

    Submitted by Brenna. Birth without fear is wording it perfectly. I gave birth to my son 10 days ago. I  told myself going into the entire experience, “Don’t be afraid. God made our bodies to do this. You’re stronger than you know!” 31+ hours of active excruciating labor, throwing up the entire time with back labor 1/2 way through. But, I was…

  • Practicing Fearless Motherhood {in Brazil}

    {By Heidi Jo Haughn Palma, Maringá, Brazil.} I would like to share my journey into fearless motherhood. Maringá, Brazil.  Public hospital cesarean rate 86%.  Private hospital cesarean rate 98%. Who would have thought that in this murky maternal healthcare scenario, I would meet a radiant team of home birth professions.  They were relatively young experience wise, but I knew that…

  • Mother Mental Illness {Post Partum Depression}

    This continues to be something not discussed enough, but needs to be more and more. Please take a listen and share with a mother who has gone through Post Partum Depression (or other similar things). This podcast interview with Mary from Pretty Pushers​ and Dr. Lisa Duggan from Clemson University discussed the risks and signs of Maternal Mental Illness, and the holes…

  • Gorgeous Teething Necklace {The Vintage Honey Shop}

    As many of you know, our sixth baby has arrived! I have fed my babies all sorts of ways from pumping, to formula, to tandem nursing. My littlest one has so far been my easiest to breastfeeding and I’m grateful for it! Being my sixth baby, I know that in no time, she is going to start reaching, pulling, and grabbing with her…

  • Preparing for PostPartum {BabyList and BWF Giveaway}

    BabyList has taken baby registry to a whole other level. Instead of being confined to one store, you can make custom registries and add items from multiple places. Being my sixth baby, I was more focused on the postpartum period (also referred to as the 4th trimester). I’m very glad I did as I had an unplanned cesarean, which is a longer…

  • Chaos. Life. Birth. {A Pretty Pushers Mama}

    Ever had your house robbed, car stolen, an emergency c-section, an emergency scar eruption, and a move to New York City within a matter of days? This is the story of our dear friend, Lisa Berger, President of Cranial Cradle. She wrote it as she re-lived it. She comes out feeling nothing but gratitude. You are one strong chick, mama! – Pretty…

  • Cesarean Without Fear {Beard Baby}

    Many of you know our sweet #beardbaby was born Sunday. This is our sixth baby. Our first two births were cesareans and our following three were VBA2Cs (hospital and home). Most our babies were born between 42 1/2-43 1/2 weeks. I preach constantly to follow our intuition. I did this whole pregnancy, just like I did with my others. I was under…

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