• Giving Birth is a Journey

    Three years ago I had my first baby girl naturally at 35 weeks pregnant, she was breech a week before but due to a small car accident the shock turned her, she was not harmed and neither was I, but apparently she couldn’t wait any longer. During delivery I suffered a 3rd degree tear that needed to be stitched in…

  • In Pursuit of Perfection

    Let me start this post by saying, “I’m a perfectionist.” Yep. I’m a perfectionist, always have been. And I am about to admit to you that I AM NOT PERFECT. I’m learning to live with it. Society in general is pretty obsessed with perfection. We want perfect bodies, perfect jobs, perfect houses, perfect lives. Messy relationships, screaming kids, stretch marks,…

  • I Am Strong {Because We Have Each Other}

    I am strong because the day I unexpectedly found out I was pregnant I dropped all of my anxiety medicine cold turkey, even though the doctor was against it. I am strong because I started pouring blood at 18 weeks and thought I lost my baby. I am strong because I was sent to a high risk doctor and told…

  • Great Images From {Crowned Photography}

    First time momma, roared her surprise baby girl earth side with an INCREDIBLE supportive hubby, at our local Denver birth center, Mountain Midwifery. My caption for the cord shot was “Good to the last drop. :)” Enjoy! {Photo Credit to: https://www.facebook.com/CrownedBirthPhotography}

  • A {Military Wife and Doula} Homebirth

    Stella’s birth story really starts 16 months prior, at the birth of her next oldest sister. I planned a homebirth, but needed to transfer late in active labor to the military hospital due to bleeding a little more than my midwife was comfortable with. A short 30 minutes after we walked into the hospital, Lucy was born without complications. My…

  • I am Strong {28 Weeks}

    I am strong because I wasn’t afraid to get pregnant, even though I have Type 1 Diabetes. I am strong because I have never been healthier than when I was pregnant. I am strong because I advocated for myself when the nurses said my blood pressure was nothing to worry about. I am strong because I admitted myself to a…

  • A Healing Home Birth {BWF Admin Tamara}

    My husband Andy and I decided to start trying for a second baby right around our son’s first birthday. It took about 8-9 months to be successful, but we were blessed with a second pregnancy. Immediately we wanted to do things different than our first. We were so much more knowledgeable this time around; about pregnancy, birth, and the whole…

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