• A Doula’s Own Midwife-Assisted Home Water Birth

    I had an appointment Friday, August 3rd with my midwife, Bernice. Baby looked and sounded great and the appointment was wonderful, as they had all been. I had asked if she would mind checking me as I had been having quite a few contractions and just wanted to know if anything was happening (though I generally recommend NO cervical checks…

  • Honeybuns Cloth Diapers

    Nicole Small, owner of honeybuns cloth diapers, has been a WAHM for over a year now. She started making cloth diapers after using one size pocket diapers by bumGenius on her daughter.  She wanted to make something cuter than all of the solid colored diapers she used on her. Nicole and her husband invested a little money in a few…

  • One Month w/o Facebook. Now What?

    Today marks one month I left Facebook. All I can say is…it has been peaceful. My life calmed way down when I removed the chaos of updates, answering questions, moderating comments, etc. In that month, we’ve been posting a lot more on the blog and sharing on Pinterest. It has been fun, actually. I’ve really enjoyed it. Many of you…

  • Accidental UC {Unassisted Childbirth} of Moses

    This pregnancy was much different from the previous ones from the start. I had a feeling from the very beginning that this baby would come very fast. One night I was talking with John and told him my concerns that we would be delivering on the side of the highway and I couldn’t shake the feeling. I told him that…

  • Supported Home Birth of 9th Child

    I have written this story over and over in my head. While I sleep. While I stare in amazement into very quiet beautiful eyes.  I have so much to say, but so little words.  I want to thank everyone who has been checking in on me for the past few weeks and all of you who have sent us such…

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