This amazing and beautiful birth story was sent to em by katheJo binder photography. She said, “One of my most favorite birth stories that I have ever been apart of. Dad was in Afghanistan while mom delivered her son. Daddy watched via Skype. I just love this birth story and I think it should be shared with the world! This…
A Doula’s Own Midwife-Assisted Home Water Birth
I had an appointment Friday, August 3rd with my midwife, Bernice. Baby looked and sounded great and the appointment was wonderful, as they had all been. I had asked if she would mind checking me as I had been having quite a few contractions and just wanted to know if anything was happening (though I generally recommend NO cervical checks…
Peaceful Home Water Birth in Small Town Ohio {Must Read!}
If anyone had asked me, prior to having my first child, if I thought I would prefer birth over pregnancy, I would have called them crazy. Now, after my second child and two completely different birth experiences, I have to say I would rather give birth than be pregnant any day. I never really enjoyed being pregnant. I envied the…
Accidental UC {Unassisted Childbirth} of Moses
This pregnancy was much different from the previous ones from the start. I had a feeling from the very beginning that this baby would come very fast. One night I was talking with John and told him my concerns that we would be delivering on the side of the highway and I couldn’t shake the feeling. I told him that…
Supported Home Birth of 9th Child
I have written this story over and over in my head. While I sleep. While I stare in amazement into very quiet beautiful eyes. I have so much to say, but so little words. I want to thank everyone who has been checking in on me for the past few weeks and all of you who have sent us such…
42 Weeks Homebirth {Hypnobabies}
I was 42 weeks 1 day pregnant with my second daughter on the morning of August 30th, 2012, when I began to have gentle surges. My husband went to work and my 2-year-old daughter and I went to a play date. My friends enjoyed watching me close my eyes, use my Hypnobabies tools and breathe through more surges; every 15…
Planned Birth Center Birth {Becomes} Unassisted Birth in a Van
On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 I woke up with contractions and I was not able to sleep through them any more. It is 6:45 am. I kept thinking it’s just my body faking me out as usual. So I ignored the contractions for awhile. Robert gets up and makes breakfast. I was too nervous to eat more than a piece…
Supported VBAC after T-Incision {Pictures and Video}
Get your tissue. Seriously. Brooke with Peace Love Babies sent me a few pictures and tear jerker video of this gorgeous mama’s birth. She had a VBAC after a previous cesarean birth with a T-incision. It is rare to find support to VBAC after one, but she did. Brooke says, “I wanted to share a birth film I made recently…
The Birth Center Birth of Avett
I had been having painful contractions since Monday afternoon, and that night we had a false alarm- although they were very close together, I had only dilated to 1cm so they sent me back home. Contractions continued though Tuesday, accompanied by extremely painful cramping. My water broke in the bathtub while Brandon (my husband) was downstairs, I called out for…