Andrea sent this picture in of her little one. She says, “Here’s my babe examining her stash and wondering, “Hmmm…what’s for dinner?”
From the CDC website:
“The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mother and baby desire. The World Health Organization recommends continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond.”
Christine J
That is one Hell of a stash!! Go Mama!
That’s funny and cute, but with milk only lasting in the fridge for 4-6 days… why is there so much of it?! Am I wrong?
I wish I had that much milk!!! And in response to ryan honestly as much as babies eat if she is not nursing every feeding or works this is probably only a few days of milk for the baby most containers only hold 4 to 6 oz of milk and baby’s depending on the age can probably drink from 4 to 9 oz every feeding.
I pumped and had a freezer full before donating. 🙂 Every time I opened the freezer it came crashing out. I have donated over 500oz. 🙂 I was blessed (or cursed some days) with *major* oversupply.
That is a cute picture. 🙂
I have a feeling this picture was staged for effect – but I sure wish I had that much milk in the fridge AND freezer! I’ve read milk can stay fresh in the fridge for 8 days and then go to the freezer for an additional few months. (http://kellymom.com/bf/pumpingmoms/milkstorage/milkstorage/)
Mrs. BWF
It is all this little girl’s mama’s milk. 🙂 Not sure if it was put in a fridge for the picture of if this is a mini freezer tho.
I pumped for nine months exclusively because my baby wouldn’t take the breast (after a C-section!). We moved with a freezer full of milk, half across the country. For many months, our freezer had pretty much nothing but breast milk in it!
I am proud that I stuck with it and gave my baby the best drink possible. It’s totally worth the effort.