I have seen many cesarean birth photos, but never a video like this one. It is from Birth Without Fear mother, Christina. She received and has given much support throughout her pregnancy, labor, birth and post partum. They were able to catch the c-section on video and it’s nothing short of amazing. If blood and surgery make you squeamish, you may want to skip it. However, if you can look past that, it is still a miraculous birth of a baby!!!
Shared with permission.
Here are a few still pictures as well. Unwrapping the cord (3 times)…
Being born…
Welcome earthside little one…
Christina was 40 weeks 5 days pregnant and her son was born 7lbs 2.5oz and 21 inches.
3 weeks old signing ‘I love you’ to the boob…he looooves him mama milk and as of a few days ago (at 5w6d), he’s up to 11lbs8oz! Grow, baby, grow!
Amazing video!
Wow, I love how at the end he is reaching/grabbing for mum!
I’m the momma here! 🙂 His reaching out for me was amazing. There was no drape so I was able to watch his birth. I wanted SO badly to reach out for him but was told that if I wanted to stay unstrapped, I had to keep my hands out of the sterile area. I didn’t get to hold him right away, but they *did* bring him to me so I could touch him while he was still covered in his slimy, gooey wonderfulness (which is incredible after not touching my first child for 7 hours after his birth). <3
this is almost exactly like my birth with my first child. we have it on tape and i wish i could share it. so beautiful. congrats!
i just had my twins in january and was able to see part of it but not on tape fully. so i love watching others. the birth rally is sept 3. welcome to the world little one!
Amazing video! It brought tears to my eyes. I had a c-section with my first and I wish I could have seen his birth, even if it was only in a video.
iknow what you mean. i also had a c-section and i greatly wish i would have been able to see my daughters birth, but they wouldnt allow it. i asked for a mirror but the doctors forgot and had already started by the time they remembered.
I am so impressed with this video. I work at a hospital and it is unheard of to have an undrapped c-birth. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you had this opportunity. Ah, thanks for bringing tears to my eyes and sharing this with me. Can I ask what state you had your baby?
Thank you for sharing this with us Christina! I was born c-section also, and I never wanted to have a surgery my self. I was lucky enough to be able to give birth to my son vaginally. I am hoping to be able to do the same with the baby I am pregnant with currently. I am so afraid of being under the knife in any way. I have a high pain tolerance but, I don’t think I have to the will power to stay awake for a Cesarean if I had to. You are a brave woman, and thanks again for sharing this with us.
Laura Langham
So beautiful. I cried. Congratulations, mama. Thank you for sharing your experience with us!
Stephanie Paquin
Thank you for sharing your video! I’m preparing for baby #4 (due on thanksgiving) but it’s my first planned c-section and I’m trying to make my peace with that. This video is beautiful and shows how absolutely amazing all births are. God bless
Molly Murray
Absolutely amazing.
I’m in Ohio. The OB who did my section was amazing. He’s actually my midwife’s OB. He let me be such a part of it and respected every wish he could with still staying within “hospital policy”. His bedside manner was wonderful, he held my hand while I cried (more like sobbed my face off) about having to have my RCS rather than my VBAC, he joked with me while closing about me being “too crunchy” for him when I told him I wanted my placenta. Lol. When they had to take my son to get his vitals, my boyfriend went with him and my best friend was waiting to come take his place next to me. They whisked her right in so I was never alone. As far as sections go, I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. The entire staff was just amazing. And they totally “didn’t notice” that video was being taken until he was out…. because that wouldn’t have been against hospital policy. 😉
Mrs H
Beautiful delivery by cesarean section! Beautiful baby!!!!!