• Milk Sharing: A Toddler Still Breastfed by Others

    It sounds like crazy talk, right?  I’m sure some people do think it’s crazy, and that’s okay.  Heck, some people think it’s “crazy” to nurse a baby for over a year even when it is the mother who is nursing the child…  Well, I’m here to tell you that I don’t.  I’m also here to tell you how I do…

  • 2 Naturally Supported Hospital Birth Videos

    These 2 birth videos show hospital births done right. These women are supported in birthing their babies how they want. If only more hospitals would follow this example. I am so happy for these women! Ladies, if you are planning a hospital birth, YOU have choices. If your provider doesn’t see it this way, hire one who will. Find a…

  • 10 Tips: Transition From 1 to 2 Kids.

    All of our children are 20 months apart (except 2 and 3 are 28 months apart b/c baby 3 was my VBA2C baby and I took more time). It’s hard. So hard. Here are some things in hindsight that helped (and wished I would have known beforehand). 1. Let go of expectations. If you EXPECT both children to nap at…

  • Labor of Love, Home Birth Clip

    I am so excited to share this. My friend (yes, I know her IRL) was on Labor of Love. There are 2 mamas in the video, my rockin’ friend is Morgan Mayes. I love that home birth was featured on this show (OK, and that Morgan told her midwife to be quiet. Ha!). Please SHARE THIS. I want her views…

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