How {I Am Strong} Posts Began

Last year, I took a 20 day break from FB in October. I came back feeling unattached and refreshed. I found new inspiration in how to support, love and inspire women through Birth Without Fear. One day, in December, I felt prompted to share this…

December 28, 2012 at 9:00am ·

I am strong because I had 2 surgical births to bring 2 children into this world. I’m a fighter who had a VBA2C. I’m stubborn and had unassisted births. I am a success because I am a mother of 5 who knows how to say sorry and do better. I am not a failure because I bottle fed and I’m not superior because I breastfed. I am imperfect, but learning and growing on this journey. Why are you amazing?

You can see the original post here.

What resulted was other women were inspired to share what was amazing and strong about them. It was so beautiful to watch it unfold. What resulted was {I Am Strong} posts. We have shared many on our page and on our blog with hundreds of more waiting to be shared. They are one of my favorite things to read and share because it is women celebrating their differences. They are all very different and show that we are all on your own journey.

We are seeing our original {I Am Strong} posts started on other pages and this is what I think…


Every woman has a story to tell and there is not enough time in the day to share every single one on our blog or page. I feel humbled and grateful that my (and the BWF Team) ideas are inspiring so many and having a ripple effect in the birth world and mommy pages.Much love to you all and visit our {I Am Strong} section on our blog and see more on our FB and Instagram!


i am strong post pic

Earthside Birth Photography continually shares her images with us. We are deeply grateful.

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