Today, October 25th, marks the one year anniversary of the Birth Without Fear blog! Here are the top 10 blog posts over the last year (by most visited according to Google)…
1. Breech Babies are Another Variation of Normal
3. Beautiful and Inspiring Pregnancy and Birth Pictures
4. Top 10 Things Not to Say to a Pregnant Mama
5. Breathtaking Birth Photos Censored
6. What ACOG Has to Say About Due Dates
7. The End Of Pregnancy Positive Thoughts
8. How to Change the Distorted View of Childbirth
9. A Home Footling Breech Birth with Pictures
10. Men Experience Birth Trauma Too by Mr. BWF
What an incredible journey! Here’s to another year of informing women of their choices and supporting them in doing so! Thanks to all that have been such an amazing part of the BWF Community (that began May 2010)!
*Picture is of Leah Sandretzky