I am strong because my son was born at 39wks 5days & everything seemed normal.
I am strong because I spent my first week home on bed rest.
I am strong because my 2nd & 3rd week home I had bronchitis, laryngitis & a bladder infection.
I’m strong because at his one month check up Elijah was diagnosed with laryngomalacia & reflux.
I am strong because for the past two weeks I’ve been in and out of the hospital with him due to his laryngomalacia; he’s currently failure to thrive and facing a larynx surgery. We find out more tomorrow.
I am strong because my fiancé decided to break off our relationship shortly before our hospital stay. I am now a single mommy pulling double duty with my sick 7wk old. I will be finding out when his surgery will be once we see the pediatric ENT tomorrow.
I’m strong because I have had to add 24cal formula to my break milk and pump to feed him.
I am a strong momma & he is a strong little boy!
{Tiffany H.}
Awww, he’s goregeous! And he’ll be fine! You both will! Good luck, mama!
You are a strong mamma. All the best of luck in your baby’s surgery. Keep strong and everything is going to turn out find and this will pass.
Tiffany. You are right…you are one strong momma. And your boy is one blessed little boy to have you. Praying there are people around you to hold you up. All he best. Would you somehow let us I is how he (& you!) are doing??
You go mama. He is absolutely beautiful.
Elizabeth P
Courage & grace! You are amazing! Strength & health to your wee boy!
You are a strong Mama!
You ARE strong, and you are a beautiful family 🙂
Danielle Fair
He is beautiful and you are so strong! You guys will pull through this and at some point be able to look back and say wow son we did that! Your strong because you are a mom. Your son is strong because he’s got a Mom that is a strong fighter that is going to stand strong for him, but most importantly he’s going to fight for YOU!
Trish Flower
You are strong! I have a baby with LM (Laryngo-malacia) also. There is an amazing support group on facebook. Coping With Laryngomalacia. You should check it out or feel free to email me my daughter is 17 months. triciafreeman06@gmail.com
Lhamu Palzang
He is a beautiful baby boy and he’ll be fine, with a strong momma like you.
Sending you and your beautiful son love!!!
Melissa Hodges
I had 3 out of 4 with Reflux and it is hard. There is so much more info and support now. My favorite sites are http://www.reflux.org/. http://www.pollywogbaby.com/ and http://www.reflux.org/reflux/webdoc01.nsf/(vwWebPage)/Breastfeed.htm?OpenDocument
My daughter too had laryngomalacia & reflux, I won’t lie and say it was easy, but you’ve got the right mind set to handle this!! Stay Strong, Mama!!! Best of Luck to you and that sweet little man of yours!!
How are you?
Thinking & praying for you, your beautiful baby boy & his dad.
You are amazing & strong.