{I am strong} and this is why…

i am strongI am strong because my son was born at 39wks 5days & everything seemed normal.

I am strong because I spent my first week home on bed rest.

I am strong because my 2nd & 3rd week home I had bronchitis, laryngitis & a bladder infection.

I’m strong because at his one month check up Elijah was diagnosed with laryngomalacia & reflux.

I am strong because for the past two weeks I’ve been in and out of the hospital with him due to his laryngomalacia; he’s currently failure to thrive and facing a larynx surgery. We find out more tomorrow.

I am strong because my fiancé decided to break off our relationship shortly before our hospital stay. I am now a single mommy pulling double duty with my sick 7wk old. I will be finding out when his surgery will be once we see the pediatric ENT tomorrow.

I’m strong because I have had to add 24cal formula to my break milk and pump to feed him.

I am a strong momma & he is a strong little boy!

{Tiffany H.}


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